Back-to-school Tips for Caregivers of Youth with OCD
1. Streamline your daily routines for a successful back-to-school transition.
Making sure you are prepared when school starts will allow for an easier transition back to school for your child as well.
- Set things up that you and your child may need the night before.
- Have a talk with your child about the new school year to ease their anxiety.
- Make sure you know the route to our new school to avoid being late.
- Turn off devices and go to sleep at an appropriate time.

2. Get to know your child’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) and 504s.
Review your child’s IEP or 504 to ensure that the accommodations requested and agreed upon are implemented. If you are not already familiar with IEPs and 504s you can learn more here.

3. Create a quiet space and time for homework
A space dedicated to homework should be comfortable and free of distractions. It should also be appealing, so add your child’s favorite writing utensil into the mix, or incorporate their favorite color.
It is also crucial to make a plan for how you want homework to go in order to avoid additional stressors for you and your child. Will you be helping with homework? Are there breaks involved? Will you be tackling math or science first? How long will homework time be?

4. Praise the effort, not the outcome!
Praising hard work, patience, dedication, and persistence is so impactful. This elevates the process your child went through which can be applied to other difficulties they may face instead of simply praising the end result.

5. Encourage your child to participate in social situations.
Every child is different, so it’s important to meet them where they are. Some children may thrive better in structured social interactions, like joining a club, while for other children, simply going to a playground has them making new friends.
Modeling social skills for your child can be helpful as well. Share your stories or practice social situations with them. Learn more tips and tricks on helping your child navigate the social world

As you navigate this back-to-school time, remind yourself of the affirmations below:
- My children need me to take care of myself.
- I love my children no matter what the day brings.
- I become a better parent with each passing day.
- I am a good parent.
- I meet my child where they are.